Seventeens in Scripture (9)
Posted by Anne on May 30, 2013 in Mathing | 0 commentsAs well as being seventeen instances of an overcomer in the book of Revelation—as mentioned yesterday—there are also seventeen promises to the overcomer.
- granted to eat of the tree of life (Revelation 2:7)
- not to be hurt of the second death (Revelation 2:11)
- granted to eat of the hidden manna (Revelation 2:17)
- given a white stone (Revelation 2:17)
- given a new and secret name (Revelation 2:17)
- given power over the nations (Revelation 2:26)
- given white raiment (Revelation 3:5)
- not to have his name blotted out out of the book of life (Revelation 3:5)
- will have his name confessed before the Father, and before His angels. (Revelation 3:5)
- become a pillar in the temple of God (Revelation 3:12)
- have the name of God written on him (Revelation 3:12)
- have the name of the city of God, the new Jerusalem, written on him (Revelation 3:12)
- have God’s name written on him (Revelation 3:12)
- sit with God on His throne (Revelation 3:21)
- inherit all things (Revelation 21:7)
- have the Lord as his God (Revelation 21:7)
- be the son of God (Revelation 21:7)